Part 1
These Terms are applicable to all reservations of any kind made by or on behalf of guests directly with the Hotel and apply to all reservations, bookings and agreements for accommodation, dining and use of facilities such as function rooms and Services that we have agreed to provide.
Parts 2 and 3 apply as specified below.
Details of our Hotel’s operating company appear within the Reservation Form.
We ask that You read these Terms carefully and note the arrangements for payments, cancellation terms and matters of liability that each of us may owe to the other.
When we refer to “You” in these Terms we mean: -
- an individual or an organisation acting on behalf of an individual making reservations of one or a number of bedrooms that number being less than the minimum number for a group Reservation (the individual or (where agreed) organisation being responsible for all bedrooms reserved unless otherwise agreed by the Hotel in writing;
- a Lead Guest or (where agreed in writing) the organisation with responsibility for reservations that have been agreed to under group Reservation arrangements offered by the Hotel; and
- in the case of events the person or (where agreed in writing) organisation with responsibility for the event.
Please note that in all circumstances an individual present in the hotel throughout the period of the Reservation is to be responsible for all Guests included within that Reservation. We refer to that person as the “Lead Guest”.
The Terms are in four parts as follows:
Part 1: This part which includes provisions concerning how the Hotel contracts with You and includes definitions used in the Terms.
Part 2: Terms and conditions for Reservation of bedrooms (including on behalf of a Group) only;
Part 3: Supplementary terms and conditions for Reservation of function facilities with or without a requirement for bedrooms for overnight accommodation of guests;
The Contract between You and the Hotel comprises the Reservation Form (where You book online) or Quotation that You have agreed to which in each case has been accepted by the Hotel together with the Terms. The provisions of the Quotation are to be interpreted in priority to any of the terms and conditions to which they may relate.
In these Terms:
Accommodation: means the provision of facilities at the Hotel in the form of bedroom accommodation with associated services such as meals when this Part 1 and Part 2 alone applies. Where the Reservation is for an event or function and Part 3 has application, Accommodation means other facilities within the Hotel identified in the Reservation Confirmation or Quotation together with, if required, bedrooms for the Reservation Period;
Contract: means the contract for the provision of the Services between You and the Hotel;
Event: means an event or function organised by the Event Organiser and which is to take place using facilities made available under a contract entered into with the Hotel;
Guest: means any person who is to be provided with Accommodation and/or Services at the Hotel as they are to be provided in accordance with the Reservation Form or under a contracted for Quotation;
Group: means any Reservation that is the subject of a Quotation and not booked under circumstances in which the Hotel’s published room rates are applicable. The Hotel’s policies may specify the minimum number of persons who may comprise a Group;
Health Condition: means the existence of any health symptoms either demonstrated through an illness that an individual is suffering from or which is known by the individual to be present but in respect of which the individual is asymptomatic and that condition is at the relevant time recognised as an infectious disease in respect of which the UK Government has in effect precautionary measures that are relevant to the operation of the Hotel and/or the presence of particular Guests within the Hotel;
Host: for bookings made to which Part 2 applies, this is the organisation or person responsible for making the Reservation who is addressed as such in a Quotation and who has then agreed to the Quotation allowing the Hotel to then provide a Reservation Confirmation;
Lead Guest: means the individual who is referred to in the Reservation Form as the lead for that Reservation or any substitute for that person advised at the time of arrival of any Group that is the subject of the Reservation;
Quotation: means a document issued by the Hotel confirming the detail of a reservation where this is for a Group or an event or function to take place within the Hotel’s facilities;
Reservation: the subject of a Contract between You and the Hotel being the Reservation of bedrooms as Accommodation and/or in the case of an Event other Accommodation in the form of meeting rooms or function suites together with other facilities and Services to be provided by the Hotel;
Reservation Confirmation: means the confirmation e-mail that we send when a Reservation is confirmed by us (this is to be taken to include any further email that we may subsequently send agreeing to an amendment to an existing Reservation Confirmation;
Reservation Form: means the information received by the Hotel (whether through an online submission or in hard copy form) confirming the request that Accommodation and Services be provided at the Hotel on the date or dates identified in the form including any updates made by the Hotel following any requests for clarification that it makes and receives responses to which are confirmed back to You by the Hotel prior to the commencement of the Reservation Period;
Reservation Period: means the date or dates upon which Accommodation and or Services are to be provided;
Rewards Scheme: means the loyalty scheme providing benefits that may be taken advantage of in connection with a Reservation at the Hotel;
Services: means accommodation (excluding provision of bedrooms, dining (where applicable) and other services (as applicable), described by the Hotel on its website, in its brochure, or over the telephone which the Guest books and the Hotel is to supply pursuant to our Contract with You;
Terms: means these booking terms and conditions, as amended from time to time;
Website: means the Hotel’s website (as may be amended from time to time)
The images of rooms on the Website and in the Hotel brochures are displayed for illustrative purposes only. Although the Hotel makes every effort to display rooms and facilities accurately, there may be minor discrepancies between these images and the facilities and services supplied.
These terms and conditions are only applicable to Reservations made directly with the Hotel. If booking through another party such as a web-based service your reservation with the Hotel will be a contract that you have entered into with the service provider named within the details of the booking confirmation you will have received. Please refer any issues arising concerning your contract to the named party.
1.1. The Hotel shall supply and You agree to pay for as required by these Terms Accommodation in the form of bedrooms and Services provided to you during your stay in accordance with the Contract, which shall be governed by these Terms to the exclusion of any and all other terms other than any expressly implied by law.
1.2. You must be aged 18 or over at the time You enter into a Contract.
1.3. None of the information on the Website, in any of The Hotel's brochures, or given by The Hotel staff over the telephone constitutes an offer from The Hotel. Prior to the confirmation by us of a Reservation Confirmation this information constitutes an invitation to request Accommodation and/or Services from us and we may accept or decline any such offer for any reason.
1.4. Bookings made under the IHG Rewards Scheme are made subject to the terms and conditions of the IHG Rewards Scheme detail of which are available here: IHG Rewards
1.5. A Contract shall only come into effect and shall only become binding on The Hotel when we issue a Reservation Confirmation.
2.1. All Guests must be registered on arrival and must complete accurately information requested within the Hotel’s registration procedure. Documentation including photographic identification may be required at the discretion of the Hotel. For certain schemes (such as our Key Worker Scheme) documentary evidence of status may be requested.
2.2. You must present a valid and acceptable to the Hotel credit or debit card upon check-in. Please note that failure to do so will result in an alternative payment method satisfactory to the Hotel at its entire discretion being required. If requested by the Hotel You must provide a form of payment at the point of check-in to cover any charges payable to The Hotel for all Accommodation and Services provided to you.
2.3. All visitors to Guests visiting any bedroom must check in at Reception and provide accurately information required to be provided to the Hotel under its visitor registration procedure. Documentation including photographic identification may be required at the discretion of the Hotel.
2.4. The Hotel reserves the right at its entire discretion to refuse to honour the Reservation in respect of any Guest who is at time of arrival is subject to a Health Condition or the Hotel has reasonable grounds for considering that the individual could be subject to a Health Condition or ought under Government guidance applicable at the time to be self-isolating. Refunds may be made but this is subject to the hotel policy prevailing at the time of the booking.
2.5. You or any Guest that You are responsible for or Your entire party may be asked to leave the hotel if any of You or Your party exhibit or make anyone present at the Hotel aware that You are subject to a Health Condition. Refunds for any accommodation or services not used may be made but this is also subject to the hotel policy prevailing at the time of the booking.
3.1. Where the booking is under this Part 2 only the rate payable by the Guest is clearly set out at the as point at which a booking request is made. The booking rate will be confirmed in the Reservation Confirmation. Where we specify this to be the case payment in full must be made in advance at the time of booking for the Accommodation.
3.2. Booking requests to which Part 3 also applies are based upon the Reservation Form or Quotation as agreed and accepted by the Hotel and then confirmed to You as a Reservation Confirmation.
3.3. You will generally have a choice of rates at the point at which a booking selection is made. However, the specific rates and pricing available in any particular case will depend on availability and demand at any given time.
3.4. For certain bookings full payment will be taken at the time of booking. This will have been made clear in the information we provide advising our charges through our website or on a telesales basis.
3.5. For Events payment in full is due no later than 14 days prior to the date of Your arrival at the Hotel for the Event.
4.1. The indicated means of payment required is provided for on the Hotel website for bedroom only (not Group bookings). For all other Reservations the indicated means of payment agreed required will be specified in the Quotation.
4.2. In all cases we apply the policies explained below dependent upon the form of payment You have proposed and which we have agreed to accept:
Own account on departure | Only where expressly provided for on the Reservation Form. We accept most Debit or Credit cards but note our charging policy set out in the next column |
A credit card authorisation will be required at the time of booking or commencement of the period reserved if no advance booking. Please note that if charges against a debit or credit card reach £1,000 the amount is immediately registered as a charge against the card and each further £1,000 incurred during the period covered by the booking will be charged in the same manner. If a credit card charge is declined in such circumstances and no alternative means of payment acceptable to the Hotel is immediately offered, we may terminate Your contract with the Hotel without any right to compensation and request that rooms and facilities provided by the Hotel are immediately vacated. |
Charge Back to the party making the Reservation (Event Organiser or Agent on its behalf) | The Reservation Form will specify either Full Account or indicate those items to be charged back – other items to be paid for as consumed or on departure as specified | Where a Credit Account is requested, this must be in place as confirmed by the Hotel prior to the date of arrival. We require a minimum of 7 working days' notice (Monday to Friday) in order to establish an account. Please allow appropriate time for this process to be completed as the accommodation and facilities requested may otherwise be refused or an alternative means of payment may at our entire discretion be requested. We confirm on the Reservation Form (or notify You separately if an account is being set up for the first time) the credit limit in place and which may not be exceeded. You must remember that outstanding amounts not yet paid under any previous Reservation will already count against the credit limit until payment in cleared funds has been received. |
PrePayment by Bank Transfer | To be received by the due date for payment | A pro-forma invoice can be issued on request to support a payment of this kind |
4.3. Please note that we may withdraw credit facilities at any time and without any requirement to give a minimum period of prior notice of the withdrawal.
4.4. All rates featured on the Website or quoted by telephone are subject to availability and the Hotel reserves the right to refuse any booking for any reason. Prior to receipt of a Reservation Confirmation, all prices are subject to change without notice and the Hotel does not guarantee that any particular type of rate will be available in respect of any particular booking.
4.5. We reserve the right at all times to require advance booking meaning that walk in reservations may not be possible where this cannot be reasonably accommodated or under any legislation or guidance promoted by HM Government, we are unable to offer that facility. For the current position please check the Hotel website prior to arrival at the Hotel.
4.6. If the Hotel accepts and processes a Reservation where a pricing error is obvious and unmistakable and could reasonably have been recognised as a mispricing, The Hotel may require payment for the Accommodation and any Services quoted for at the corrected price but you may in the alternative end the Contract whereupon we will refund any sums paid.
4.7. All charges involving room bookings only are inclusive of Value Added Tax at the current prevailing rate. For Events VAT is specified separately.
4.8. Where any part of a charge falls due after the Reservation Confirmation is issued that payment must be made on the due date. Provision of the Accommodation will be refused in circumstances of nonpayment but with continuing liability on Your part to make the payment that fell due and was not actually received by the Hotel.
4.9. Any additional charges due to The Hotel from You or any other Guest for the Services shall be paid by the Guest on presentation of an invoice prior to the Guest leaving the hotel.
4.10. It is a term of any Contract that the Hotel may require production at the time of Reservation of an appropriate means of payment. It is agreed that the Hotel may apply a provisional charge to any debit or credit card offered as the means of payment and production of the card shall be taken to constitute an authorisation for the Hotel to apply a reasonable charge advised to the Lead Guest at the time.
4.11. In the event that a Guest departs without settling any charges due the Guest or, in the alternative, the Lead Guest shall be deemed to have authorised the settling of all outstanding charges which can be processed by The Hotel using any credit or debit card details held on file. Payment via cheque or cash is accepted at the discretion of the Hotel. We shall, if necessary, pursue any claim for payment and to charge interest on any overdue amount at the relevant reference rate designated under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (interest) Act 1998.
5.1. If You wish to amend any booking details or cancel all or any part of Your Reservation, changes should be advised to the Hotel at least 24 hours before Your scheduled arrival date. The Hotel shall confirm with You in writing if such changes can be accommodated having regard to the Hotel's relevant policies.
5.2. For Group Bookings any variation of numbers, accommodation and food and beverage requirements specified for the Services or other changes or additions requested by You must be agreed by You and the Hotel in writing. The Hotel's policy is to apply a cancellation fee calculated on the following basis:
5.2.1. Should You cancel Your booking the Hotel will charge an amount equivalent to any loss suffered by the Hotel. Costs incurred for any equipment hired by the Hotel on Your behalf will be added to any cancellation fee.
5.2.2. Where cancellations concern the number of room reservations comprised within the booking the following percentages of the total value of the charges committed to in relation to the room bookings cancelled will be charged by the Hotel as follows: if cancellation occurs 8 – 16 weeks before an event, the reduction in total charges will be 75% per room cancelled; if cancellation occurs 4 – less than 8 weeks before an event, the reduction in total charges will be 50% per room cancelled; if cancellation occurs 2 – less than 4 weeks before an event, the reduction in total charges will be 25% per room cancelled; if cancellation occurs less than 2 weeks before an event, no reduction in charges will be provided.
5.3. Whilst every effort is made to fulfil any particular requests for cancellation of any other charges that are to be applied under a booking made, these requests do not form part of the Contract and the Hotel does not guarantee that it will be able to meet any particular requests.
6.1. The Hotel may cancel the booking at any time and without any obligation to You in any of the following circumstances:
6.1.1. If the Hotel or any part of it is closed due to fire, alteration or re-decoration, by order of any public authority, or through any reason beyond the Hotel's control.
6.1.2. If You become bankrupt or insolvent or enter into liquidation or have an administrator, administrative receiver or receiver appointed overall or a substantial part or Your assets.
6.1.3. If You are more than 30 days in arrears with payment to the Hotel for previously supplied services.
6.1.4. If the event may, in the Hotel Manager's reasonable opinion, prejudice the reputation of the Hotel.
6.2. The Hotel reserves the right to cancel a booking for any legitimate reason. If the Hotel requires to cancel a booking it may offer an alternative hotel for the fulfilment of such booking, and it will not charge any administration fees. You may accept or decline such offer and if You decline, the Hotel will make a full refund of the fees paid. The payment of the full refund will be the maximum amount of the Hotel's liability to You.
6.3. The cancellation policy is subject to change. Please check these Terms regularly to understand the current position. The Reservation Confirmation will always reflect the current position.
7.1. The Hotel may when required by law, any Governmental Guidance, requirements of an insurer of the Hotel or when considered in the general interest of its other guests and staff of the Hotel, require that each Guest on arrival declares that he/she and any Guest for whom that person is responsible (such as a child) confirms that he/she is not and has not been subject to a Health Condition for such a time period as the Hotel specifies in line with Government guidance and/or any requirements or recommendations of the Hotel's insurers prior to arrival at the Hotel.
8.1. The Hotel may implement from time-to-time certain hygiene and social distancing measures for the protection of Guests, other guests and The Hotel personnel. The implementation of these and any changes may occur on short notice. Please read about them here before making a booking https://www.ihg.com/content/gb/en/customer-care/travel-advisory and/or visit this webpage immediately prior to Your arrival at the Hotel should this be at a later date. There will be additional signage at the Hotel with guidance and further information may be advised via the Reserv ation Confirmation or email or telephone contact with You.
8.2. The Hotel may also from time to time implement policies relating to Guest conduct within the Hotel and its immediate precincts. Each Guest is expected to become familiar with any Policy current during the period of the Guest's stay or event attendance at the Hotel. Event Organisers are in addition requested to support the Hotel in the proper operation of the Policy.
8.3. Policies operated by the Hotel are subject to change at any time in line with requirements arising from Government guidance or requirements or recommendations of the Hotel's insurers.
8.4. A Guest or any member of a group of Guests may be required to leave if there is non-compliance with any wellbeing, hygiene or social distancing measures that are introduced from time to time and the Guest (and where relevant members of the Guest's party) agree to leave in such circumstances. No refunds will be paid if the Hotel has with cause takes such action.
8.5. The Hotel may at any time make changes to the Services, without notice to the Guest, which are necessary to comply with any applicable safety or other legal or regulatory requirements, for example, to address a security threat, extraordinary environmental conditions, unforeseen damage to premises or a national state of emergency, or changes which do not materially affect the nature or quality of the Services.
8.6. The Hotel reserves the right to make changes to the Services in other circumstances, upon notice to You, in exceptional situations which may include any of the following: unforeseen system failures, utility outages, health hazards and emergency renovations to premises. In the unlikely event that this occurs during the Reservation Period but the Hotel shall do all that it reasonably can to minimize the impact of any disruption to Services or facilities provided.
8.7. In the event that the Guest's details are incorrect on the Booking Confirmation, please advise the Hotel reservations team on email at: enquiries@exliverpool.com
9.1. If the Hotel fails to comply with these Terms, the Hotel is responsible to You for loss or damage suffered that is a foreseeable result of the Hotel breaching the Contract or failing to use reasonable care and skill, but the Hotel is not responsible for any loss or damage which is not foreseeable. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is obvious or, at the time the Contract was made, You and the Hotel could reasonably anticipate that it may happen.
9.2. The Hotel does not exclude or limit its liability where it would be unlawful to do: this includes liability for death of personal injury caused by the negligence of The Hotel or its employees; for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or for breach of a Guest's legal rights in relation to the Services.
9.3. Services are supplied for consumer and private use. You have the status of a consumer if You are an individual and/or make a booking wholly or mainly for the Your personal use. If Services are used for any commercial or business use, The Hotel has no liability for any loss of profit, loss of business, business interruption or loss of business opportunity.
10.1. The Hotel may (without limiting any other remedy) at any time terminate the Contract by giving written notice to You if any Guest commits any action or omits to do something that would be a breach of these Terms, or in the case of Reservations to which Part 3 apply if You become insolvent, go into liquidation, becomes bankrupt, makes a voluntary arrangement with Your creditors or have a receiver or administrator appointed.
10.2. You may terminate the Contract for the following reasons:
10.2.1. the Hotel has informed You about a material change to the Services which You do not agree to;
10.2.2. the Hotel has informed You about a material error in the price or description of the Services and You do not wish to proceed; or
10.2.3. You wish to exercise a right to end the Contract because of something the Hotel has done wrong and it is reasonable for You to do so.
10.3. If You wish to terminate the Contract for any such reasons given at paragraph 10.2 of this Part 2, You must inform the Hotel in which case, the Contract will end immediately and You will be entitled to a full refund of charges paid in connection with the Contract.
11.1. Check-in and check-out times for accommodation are specified in the Reservation Confirmation and available on the Hotel website.
11.2. You and where relevant the Lead Guest are responsible for the behaviour of all of Your Guests whilst present in the Hotel and in particular for the orderly conduct of Guests attending any function or staying in the Hotel or otherwise making use of the Services. In this regard, please note the Variation in Services section. All Guests must ensure that no noise or nuisance is caused either to the Hotel or to its other guests and customers. You and Your Guests must comply with any reasonable request of The Hotel and with any policies of The Hotel as may apply from time to time. Details of policies are provided in Part 4 with more information available on the Hotel's website.
11.3. The Guest (and his/her guests) are prohibited from engaging in any illegal activity within The Hotel premises and/or damaging The Hotel property and/or bringing dangerous or hazardous materials or equipment onto the Hotel premises.
11.4. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the Hotel.
12. CCTV
12.1. In some public areas and some staff areas of the Hotel, CCTV is in operation and video recordings may be made. This activity is carried out for security and service reasons for the better management of the Hotel and security for all its guests and staff. The current CCTV policy is available on request.
13.1. The Hotel will only use a Guest or Event Organiser or representative of an Event Organiser's personal information as set out in the privacy policy http://www.centreisland.co.uk/privacy-policy
14.1. If any exclusion or limitation contained in these Terms is found, in whole or part, to be unlawful or for any other reason unenforceable, that exclusion, limitation or the part in question shall be deemed severable and omitted from these terms for that purpose. Such omission shall not affect the validity, effectiveness or enforceability of the other provisions of these Terms.
14.2. No failure or delay by either party in exercising any of its rights under the Contract shall be deemed to be a waiver of that right, and no waiver by either party of any breach of the Contract by the other shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.
14.3. You agree that under Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 no other person has or shall be implied as having rights to enforce any benefit or other right under this Contract.
14.4. We may subcontract the provision of any of the Services we agree to provide at our discretion.
14.5. You may not assign or novate Your Contract with the Hotel. We shall be entitled to assign or novate the Contract in any circumstances in which the Hotel or the assets that comprise the Hotel is the subject of a sale to a third party or under any reorganisation of our group that we effect.
14.6. English law shall apply to the Contract, and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.
15.1. The provisions within paragraphs 8 to 10 of Part 3 will apply in the event that any issues of liability affect either of us or any dispute arises in each case under this Contract.
16.1. Part 3 provides supplementary terms and conditions that apply to the Reservation of function facilities for events with or without a requirement for bedrooms for overnight accommodation of guests.
16.2. Part 2 applies in relation to the Reservation of bedrooms in connection with any Event.
16.3. Where facilities are reserved on a day only basis – with no bedroom reservations, paragraphs 1 and 5 to 15 of Part 2 also applies.
17.1. Where You are acting as an agent in the making of the Reservation on behalf of a client of Your organisation this must be expressly disclosed together with the identity (full company name and registered number or full name if incorporated on any other basis with, in each case, details of its principal place of business in the United Kingdom).
17.2. Where charges are to be incurred during the period of the Reservation, we shall be entitled to set a credit limit as advised at the time a Quotation is provided or in the alternative, we may require an appropriate credit card with authorisation to charge to that card no later than 7 days prior to the date that the Reservation Period commences.
18.1. The number of attendees that You expect (organisers and delegates/guests) and therefore to be catered for is set out in the Quotation.
18.2. Please note that we are also providing You with (on a for information basis) the maximum number of people that may be accommodated under this Reservation. We also provide You with a minimum number that establishes the minimum charge You will be liable for even if actual number of Guests falls below that number.
18.3. We provide details below and in Part 2 (cancellation provisions) as to how and when You can make changes to Guest numbers.
19.1. The makeup of the charges we apply are set out in the Quotation. The form will also indicate the agreed basis upon which payment is to be made. You agree that no deductions. Set-off or any claim to have a right not to pay by reason of a counterclaim will be made against the Hotel in connection with liability to pay for the Reservation.
19.2. Where any payment is due in advance of the period of the Reservation this is specified in the Quotation and must be complied with. Late payment may lead to the Reservation being forfeited (we being entitled to allocate facilities reserved to any customer) but without prejudice to any other claim that we have under these Terms arising in consequence of the cancellation.
20.1. Amendments may be made to a Reservation for the period (if any) specified in the Reservation Form or if not stated prior to the 28th day before the first date covered by the Reservation.
20.2. Amendments thereafter may be considered on a discretionary basis and must be discussed with and agreed in writing by the Hotel.
20.3. Note that bedroom rates agreed with You as a Group booking are based upon the number of bedrooms booked and that each of these booking is for the period of Your Reservation. We provide in the Quotation a minimum number of Bedroom reservations that results in the room rate we have agreed with You. Should the number of continuously reserved room bookings fall below that minimum number we reserve the right to apply a revised charge which will be on the basis of the applicable room rate at the time we reinvoice You.
21.1. In the event that there is planned maintenance affecting the Hotel and its facilities and we are aware of this at the time Your Reservation is made we will endeavor to advise You of the circumstances.
21.2. We reserve, however, rights to cancel any Reservation (which may in exceptional circumstances be on short or no notice) in the following circumstances:
21.2.1. If the Hotel or any part of it should be closed due to the carrying out of alterations or re-decoration;
21.2.2. by order of a public authority (national, regional or local); or
21.2.3. as a consequence of any requirement of the Hotel's insurers or withdrawal of cover that requires closure in whole or in part or for any other reason outside of the Hotel's control.
22.1. Where the Quotation sets out the nature of the event that is being held the Reservation shall only be used for that purpose. Any material changes in the nature of the event being held shall entitle the Hotel to require immediate termination of the event and that Delegates/Guests of the Host be requested to leave the Hotel area within which the event is taking place. Bedroom use will continue to be permitted subject to the general policies of the Hotel applicable to all overnight guests.
22.2. Deliveries to the Hotel should be pre-advised to reception wherever possible with clear markings to identify the identity of the intended recipient. Items delivered must be collected at the earliest practicable opportunity and are not accepted on a basis that would constitute the Hotel carrying the status of legal bailee for any item so delivered. The Hotel's duty shall be limited to hold the items for collection taking reasonable care but conditional upon the other provisions within this paragraph.
22.3. Where a porterage charge is referred to in the Quotation or otherwise advised to You prior to the Reservation Period this will be payable as appropriate.
22.4. Goods and Services may not be traded within the Hotel unless this has been agreed to in writing by the Hotel prior to period of the Reservation commencing or where the event is manifestly one at which trading takes place (such as a Wedding Fayre).
22.5. Where You engage service providers who will be present on site at the Hotel in connection with Your Reservation You are to require the personnel of that service provider to report to reception on arrival. We may require that the Hotel's usual contractor indemnity form (a copy is available in advance by request) is signed before access is permitted. The Hotel reserves the right to refuse admission in circumstances in which the indemnity in the required form is not agreed to or in any other circumstances when (acting reasonably) the duty manager of the Hotel considers that the presence of the contractor on site poses a threat to health or safety or may have any other detrimental effect upon the Hotel and/or guests of the Hotel generally.
22.6. The Hotel is also entitled to refuse permission to be present in the Hotel in the event that any personnel of the service provider present are affected by a Health Condition as if they were a Guest under these Terms.
22.7. You agree that in the event of employing the services of any mobile disco or live music entertainment provider any music played will cease promptly when required by the Hotel's management and in any event as specified in the Hotel's policy at the latest and that the provision of entertainment is in all cases subject to the reasonable requirements and instructions of the Hotel.
22.8. No signs, displays, posters or other material may be affixed to the walls or any other part of the structure of the Hotel (external or internal) without the prior agreement of the duty manager of the Hotel.
22.9. The Hotel logo and other branding material is proprietary to the Hotel. Active steps are taken to protect the brand and image of the Hotel. Accordingly, no use may be made of any branding adopted by the Hotel without the prior consent in writing of the Hotel.
22.10. Guests shall not enter areas of the Hotel which are indicated as being closed to the public.
22.11. The client agrees to comply with the statutory laws concerning licensing and entertainment provisions relevant to the event
23.1. The Hotel acknowledges that liability may arise as a consequence of death or personal injury or on any other basis upon which a liability may arise but which in the circumstances it may not be contracted out from.
23.2. The Hotel shall not be liable for any loss or damage to property of the client or any persons as may occur except with the within the constraints of the Hotel Proprietors Act 1956. In the case of loss or damage to property this shall be reported and noted by the duty manager at the time of discovery and reported to the police within 24 hours. The Hotel's liability for any other loss or damage to a Guest or Guest's property is limited to £2.5k in aggregate per incident except where placed in the central safe over stolen loss to damage through the default neglect wilful act of the Hotel.
23.3. Please safeguard Your property and ensure Guests for whom You are responsible also take appropriate care as our liability under this Contract is strictly limited in accordance with these Terms.
24.1. You will be held liable for repairs carried out as a result of any damage caused to any part of the Hotel or any of our equipment or other assets which was caused wholly or materially by the negligence wilful act or default of You or any Guest for whom You are responsible.
24.2. We recommend that You give consideration to insurances that are relevant to the circumstances of Your Reservation.
25.1. We recommend that You take up any concerns You have with the Hotel at the earliest practicable opportunity.
25.2. We will endeavour to address any complaint You have to Your satisfaction but in the event that we do not proceed we recommend that we agree to refer the matter to mediation on a basis that we agree at that time.
25.3. In the unlikely event that the matter requires this the Courts of England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland shall be the venue for any litigation and You agree that such jurisdiction shall be exclusive.
Centre Island Hotels Ltd
2 St. Nicholas Place,Princes Dock,
Liverpool, L3 1QW
0151 705 2680